Best Competition Shooting Belt Reviews

#1.Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear High-Speed Belt

Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear High-Speed Belt is the best competition shooting belt because it allows for the fastest draw. We recommend it because it offers great value at an affordable price.

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Best Competition Shooting Belt

#1.Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear High-Speed Belt

Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear High-Speed Belt is the best competition shooting belt because it allows for the fastest draw. We recommend it because it offers great value at an affordable price. This belt is so rigid and resistant that can bear the weight of your gears without deformation. You can always keep your gun in your favorite position, and shoot like a hero from old cowboy movies.

This belt is suitable for competitions such as IPSC & USPSA and 3 Gun Shooting. It has a memory effect that can keep the most natural shape that fits your waist after wearing it for hours. This belt is supplied with both inner and outer belt secure and a fast-release velcro system. It’s easy to put on and off and is safe that it will not damage your car seat.

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#2.Double Alpha (DAA) Competition Belt

Double Alpha is a famous brand name that represents the standard of best competition shooting belts. This is the belt which you won’t go wrong with. We highly recommend this belt because it features the strongest and stiffest outer belt on the market today. In other words, you get the best security of your fears when using this belt.

This belt has a typical competition width which is 1.5 inches, so it can fit with all shooting gears with no hassle. The velcro is made soft to prevent damaging your clothes or car seats. This belt is slightly thicker than other competition belts but still fits well with the accessories. As the manufacturer suggested, you should order one size larger than your pants size.

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#3.Uncle Mike’s Tactical 87713 Competition Belt

If you are looking for the best competition shooting belt with optimized cost performance, you should try Uncle Mike’s Tactical 87713 Competition Belt. It does the job at half of the average cost. The inner and outer belts are heavy-duty. They feature polymer reinforcement for enhanced sturdiness. So, they can perfectly secure the system to the competitor’s waist.

We like this belt because it allows for increased mobility and fast configuration. Using this belt in a 3 gun competition is just pleasant. For most competitors, this belt offers great value exceeding their expectations. The only downside of this belt is that you may need to modify accessories to fit the belt.

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#4. Shooters Connection Ultimate Competition Belt

Shooters Connection produces the best competition shooting belt. This is a two-piece competition belt with strong inner and outer belts and a soft belt keep which secures them. This belt is 1 1/2 inches wide and about 3mm thick. It has the standard design of competition belts and has used quality materials to construct.

This belt is easy to use. It fits well on the waist and can keep your gears in The most convenient position. It does not cause pain in your back when carrying the guns. We think this belt is worth buying since it has an inexpensive price. But we remind you that you should measure your waist before your purchase, and add 2″ to get the size you should order.

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Super Ghost Shooting Belt may be the best shooting belt if you use the normal gear. It’s designed for IPSC/USPSA competitions and can secure your gear very well. The inner belt of this belt is not too thick to feed through the belt loops of your pants. Meanwhile, the outer belt is a bit thicker, so it has enhanced stiffness to bear the weight of your gear.

The velcro of this belt is thin and soft. It secures well so the belt will not move around. You will not feel it when wearing the belt, and it will not scratch the seats of your car. One disadvantage of this belt is that some accessories may not fit the belt. The reason is the thickness of the belt, and you may need to distort your accessories.

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