Best Ceramic Car Window Tints – Buy the Best Ceramic Tint

#1.MotoShield Pro Precut Ceramic Tint Film – Best Car Window Tints

For those who are interested in the best ceramic tint, we highly suggest that you try out the MotoShield Pro Precut Ceramic Tint Film.

This ceramic tint is absolutely amazing when it comes to both looks and durability.

You have a variety of tint options to pick from as well as a bunch of precut shapes. The only issue you could have is that the installation process is not so simple and straightforward.

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What is a ceramic window tint film?

A ceramic window tint is a type of window film designed to reduce solar heat, block infrared radiation and ultraviolet rays while still allowing you to see through the windows. This type of window film can be applied to any glass surface, such as cars, homes, and office buildings.

Ceramic window tints are made with a specialized dyed film that blocks more than 70 percent of solar heat and up to 99 percent of damaging ultraviolet rays.

In addition, the ceramic dye used in these films also helps absorb infrared radiation. This helps keep your car interior cooler during those hot summer days while reducing annoying glare from the sun’s rays.

The tint also provides added privacy from being inside your vehicle or home by making it difficult for people outside to see in without compromising visibility from the inside out.

Note that some latest technologies use nano-sized ceramic particles as window tints. Also, note that this technology is slowly replacing metallic and metalized windows as they are more efficient in repelling UVs and provide great heat reduction from solar energy. These are definitely great to keep your vehicle cool.

Best Ceramic Window Tint Reviews

#1. MotoShield Pro Precut Ceramic Car Window Tint Film

When it comes to the best ceramic tint, we need to give it to the MotoShield Pro Precut Ceramic Film.

Motoshield is definitely one of the more reputable companies that make ceramic window films.

This product comes in a large variety of precut shades of tint and some will fit sedans up to a certain size while others are for bigger SUVs and whatnot. Just be sure that you get a good fit before you buy.

The tint quality is absolutely amazing and in our opinion, it is the best that we’ve seen thus far. We do have to warn you that you can’t take shortcuts when installing it through.

And if you do manage to install it correctly, we do think that this brand will outlast most of the other brands out there. The installation process is not so easy, so keep that in mind.

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#2.HOHO Nano Ceramic Solar Film

Next up, there’s the Hoho Nano Ceramic Solar Film, which is the best ceramic tint for those who have a window tint that does a really good job of blocking out UV rays.

Besides looking really good and keeping you in the shade, the Hoho is fixed with a nano-ceramic film that weeds out a good 99% of harmful UV. Please keep in mind that not every brand has this.

A common misconception is that people assume that a dark tint will automatically block out UV. There is plenty of UV that still seeps through and Hoho just does a better job of blocking it.

Lastly, you should also note that this ceramic tint has a high insulation rate, so it saves you fuel by not working the air con so hard. Heat from the outside has a hard time getting in.

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#3. New Vision Nano – Best Ceramic Tint

Another really good product when it comes to the best ceramic tint is the New Vision Nano Ceramic Tint.

You have a few shades to select from and they even have a total blackout 5% tint. We really like it because it provides a good amount of sun shading and glare reduction.

Also, it is explosion-proof and will do a decent job of stopping broken glass from falling.

Furthermore, as the Hoho mentioned above, the New Vision also has a good amount of UV protection. However, word on the street is that it is not as good as the Hoho. And finally, there is definitely a good amount of heat savings and heat rejection, which helps you keep the inside of your car cooler. Equally, this also works during the winter, keeping it warmer.

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#4. MotoShield Pro Precut Ceramic Window Tint Film

The MotoShield Pro Precut Ceramic Tint Film is so good that we felt obligated to recommend yet another MotoShield Product.

This one is for sedans and precut for all windows and windshields The selling point here is that it just has a really good balance between glare reduction, blocking 99% of UV rays, and having no signal interference. Also, it looks pretty good.

Like the Motoshield product we mentioned above, this one also has above-average durability. You just have to make sure that you install it correctly, which can be tricky.

Also, keep in mind that there is no sunroof or sun strip, so please take this into account when you are making your purchase. You will have to deal with the sunroof separately.

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#5. HOHO Light Blue Nano Ceramic Tint

Lastly, we have the Hoho Light Blue Nano Ceramic Tint, which is another Hoho product that we like a lot mostly because of its nice looks.

It actually has some really high heat insulation and strong UV resistance. It will reject UV light at 99% and Infrared at 95%. The visible light transmission is just 75% so it is definitely not a blackout tint.

The best part about this ceramic tint is that it lets light through yet it still manages to maintain a high heat insulation rate.

This means that it is colder inside during the summer and hotter during the winter. While it may not be for everybody, for those who want a more transparent tint and don’t want to give up the qualities of a dark tint, this is the one for you.

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Frequently asked questions

Is nano-ceramic window tint worth it?

Yes, it is worth the investment in this nanotechnology. Nano ceramic tint is a type of window tint that provides a darker shade than regular tints.

It not only adds privacy to your vehicle, but it also helps to better protect the interior from harmful UV rays when compared to old tint technology.

This type of tint is becoming increasingly popular due to its superior heat reduction abilities and enhanced protection for the car’s passengers. Nano ceramic tints are available in a variety of shades, colors, and even reflective options.

In other words, as nano ceramic tints are composed of tiny particles that scatter light waves and reflect infrared radiation, they offer superior protection against heat build-up inside your car on hot days.

In addition to providing excellent heat reduction capabilities, nano ceramic tint offers an additional layer of security as it makes windows harder to break into.

How long does nano best ceramic window tint last?

Nano ceramic tint typically lasts for about 10 years. And in all these years, nano ceramic window tints will not fade or bubble like other types of tints. If you properly install it and maintain the tint shades, this type of tint for cars will last the lifespan of your vehicle.

How do tinted windows affect the value of my car?

There’s no right or wrong answer to this. Tinted windows can de-value your car for a number of people. However, for others, it could be the exact thing they are looking for, so they will be prepared to pay more for the car.

At the end of the day, this is all down to human preferences, as much as you wanted this feature on your car, others may not need it. So if you live in an area where there is a lot of sunshine, then probably most people will be looking for tinted windows. On the other hand, I would definitely not fit these in Alaska.

What do window film tint numbers mean?

These are known as the tint percentage. The percentage of visible light that passes through your vehicle’s window is determined by the tint number or VLT (Visible Light Transmission) percentage.

Depending on where you live, each state has different regulations defining how dark you can tint your car’s windows. The higher the VLT percent, the lighter your windows will be, allowing more light to pass through them.

On the flip side, a lower VLT percent means less light will make its way into your vehicle. It also means that it could be illegal in some states as they dictate an upper limit for legal window tints in vehicles.

Which car window VLT tint is darker 45 or 20?

The 20% VLT is definitely the darker one. Any vehicle tinted with this 20% dark color would give a car a nice stylish and trendy look. However, in terms of safety, it may not be the best solution.

The 45% VLT would have a lighter darkness but would provide you with higher protection from UV rays.

Note that a 5% VLT tint is extremely dark. You can’t even see through your window. This is why it is banned in most states and countries around the world. There’s one exception though. These VLTs are used for limousine windows (at the back).

How is Ceramic Tint for Cars Made?

A ceramic film needs to perform several tasks. The main task is to block UV rays, which also reduce solar energy (that is heat) from entering a vehicle. And the best way to manufacture tinted solutions is to use multi-layer nano-ceramic technology.

Now, a ceramic car window tint comprises of five (05) interlinked but independent layers:

  1. The first layer is the one you can touch and feel. In fact, it is the only one you can touch after the tint is installed on your vehicle’s window. This layer is known as the ‘hard coat’. It is fully infused with nanoparticles of ceramic technology materials. The main job of this layer is to reflect ultraviolet (UV) and infrared heat radiation (IR). In other words, it does reduce IRs and UVs passing through the vehicle’s windows.
  2. The next layer is, most of the time, called the transparent polyester sheets material. It is a very important layer as it provides strength and rigidity to the window tint. This layer reduces the level of scratching, though not its main function (it is just an aside benefit of the layer).
  3. The third layer is the laminate adhesive. This layer helps heat rejection. Basically, it contains nano ceramic particles that will block the sunshine rays to enter the vehicle. It is in this layer that the VLT is decided (VLT means how dark or light will the tint be).
  4. The fourth layer is similar to the second layer as it is made of polyester transparent material. The two polyester layers (layers 2 and 4 are used to sandwich layer three (and protect it).
  5. The fifth and final layer is the mounting adhesive. Basically, it is this layer that you’ll glue onto your window.


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