Best Travertine Sealer Reviews

#1.Ultra Dry 70 Travertine Sealer

For those who are interested in the best travertine sealer, the Ultra Dry 70 is definitely one of the better products out there. It is incredibly durable and has a nice natural look while giving your travertine plenty of water protection. We also think that it is incredibly good value and will outlast most of the other brands out there.

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Best Travertine Sealer Reviews

Best Travertine Sealer

#1.Ultra Dry 70 Travertine Sealer

When it comes to the best travertine sealer, the Ultra Dry 70 is the way to go. This sealer gives you the best stain protection when it comes to travertine and other stones. We also like it because it gives you a nice natural look without any sort of yellowing in the long run. Many other brands tend is discolor or wear off after a brief period.

Additionally, we like this stuff because it offers you great water protection and even protects travertine from salt water and all sorts of inclement weather conditions. Finally, this water-based easy-to-use formula is incredibly safe and is definitely ok to place food and drinks in the area shortly afterward.

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#2.Black Diamond Stoneworks Travertine Sealer

Next up, we have the Black Diamond Stoneworks Travertine Sealer, which is the best travertine sealer for those who want an all-natural travertine sealer that also does a great job of color enhancing. While the color-enhancing properties are not magical and don’t just immediately fix all discolor travertine or your other weathered surfaces, it certainly does do something good.

The color-enhancing properties are subtle but they still are definitely there. Additionally, this product seals out water but still allows moisture vapor transmission. And finally, we really like that this is a clear liquid with a very low odor. It can actually be a dealbreaker for some people so thankfully this one doesn’t smell bad.

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Best Travertine Sealer

#3.The Floor Guys Travertine Sealer

Another great option when it comes to the best travertine sealer is the Floor Guys Travertine Sealer. This stuff penetrates deep into the travertine without changing the surface appearance. While the durability is not as good as the previous two mentioned products, we think that it actually does a very good job of sealing and preventing anything from seeping through the pores.

And since travertine is pretty porous naturally, we really like the Floor Guys since it just gives you that added layer of protection. Also, it is a water-based sealer, which means it won’t smell too bad. Furthermore, we find this stuff extremely easy to apply. You just brush it on and let it sit for 5 minutes or so and then mop off the remaining sealer.

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#4.Miracle Sealants Travertine Sealer

The Miracle Sealants Travertine Sealer is certainly a nice product that deserves some attention. This offers very nice protection and durability for your travertine surfaces. Miracle Sealants is one of those products that is good at everything but is not outstanding at anything. So it is the jack of all trades here. It is decent at being water-repellent and sealing properly.

It is also quite durable and does a decent job (although not the best job) of not yellowing over time. Also, it is quite oil resistant and great for interior and exterior surfaces. Finally, we think that it does a wonderful job of enhancing the color of your old travertine and other stones. This product has no outstanding features, but it also has no flaws.

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#5.Stone Pro Impregnating Sealer for Travertine

Lastly, we have the Stone Pro Impregnating Sealer, which is a very nice product to use on hard-to-seal stones such as travertine. It offers incredible protection from staining and seals travertine with ease. We like how the stone pro has a larger molecule structure, which does a better job of sealing travertine than others.

With a larger molecule structure, the bigger pores are filled up easier and less stuff can squeeze through the pores. Unfortunately, there are no color-enhancing features here. So it does a pretty good job of sealing without changing the color too much. Also, it is non-flammable and safe for food preparation surfaces.

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