Best Manual Breast Pump

best manual breast pump

Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump

If you want the best manual breast pump by popular choice, go with the Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump. The reason behind this is the quality and durability of the build along with its excellent adaptability to all breast sizes. What really sets Medela Harmony apart from the rest of the manual breast pumps is its two phase expression technology that allows you to get more milk in less time.


best manual breast pumpWe all know that pumping breast milk stimulates milk production and increase milk supply. However, it is equally important to choose the right milk pump in order to maintain your milk supply. By using the best manual breast pump, you can pump milk whenever and wherever you want, without having to worry about finding an electric outlet. Compared to electric breast pumps, manual breast pumps are much slower at extracting milk.

However the trade-off is manual pumps are not as expensive and do not require an outlet to run. Manual breast pumps are generally more suitable for mothers who do not intend to pump their breast milk frequently or who do not intend to breastfeed too often. They are also good for those who want to keep the manual breast pump as a backup just in case the electric one breaks. Additionally they are good to take with you on vacation or when you are gone from your baby for a long time.

During your time away from your baby, it is also helpful to pump your breast milk in order to maintain your milk supply.  Since the best manual breast pump is portable enough to fit in your handbag or luggage and operates without an electric source, it is the preferred type of breast pump when used on the road and away from your child.  All manual breast pumps work in a similar way: you place some sort of breast shield over your nipples and squeeze or plunge to begin pumping your milk into the breastmilk bottle.

You can try lean forward a little to let gravity help in the extraction process. Continue until the milk flow slows down. The best manual breast pump tends to fit your breasts perfectly, mimics the suckling of a baby, and doesn’t cause you any pain. Manual breast pumps are slower and can take up to 45 minutes to fully pump both breasts. We recommend having a manual breast pump on you at all times in case you have some spare time and would like to maintain your milk supply.

Best Manual Breast Pump Review

Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump

best manual breast pumpIf you want the best manual breast pump by popular choice, go with the Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump. It is currently the best-selling manual breast pump. The reason behind this is the quality and durability of the build along with its excellent adaptability to all breast sizes.  What really sets Medela Harmony apart from the rest of the manual breast pumps is its two phase expression technology that allows you to get more milk in less time.

This is the product of years of research and perfection. When babies first go to breastfeed, they suck fast and light initially to get milk flowing. After milk starts to flow, babies tend to switch to an expression phrase where they use slower deeper sucks to bring out milk faster.  The pump has mimicked this effect with two ends: one end initiates the simulation phase where milk starts flowing and the other end where you pump to reach maximum milk flow in the expression phase. Besides the innovative breast pump, the Medela Harmony also has a 5 oz BPA-free breastmilk bottle and a 24mm medium breastshield and plenty of spare membranes.

The breastshields are changeable, so you can buy smaller or larger ones if you feel it is too small or too big. Just be sure to stick to the same brand when buying breastshields. Everything about this manual breast pump is quality, which also sets it apart from the competition. It just seems like the parts are all well made, work well together, never break, and has excellent suction. Accessories are easy to find and best of all, no batteries or power cords needed! You can stick this in your handbag and extract breastmilk wherever you are!


Philips Avent Manual Comfort Breast Pump

best manual breast pumpPhilips Avent is the best manual breast pump if you want a device that allows you to comfortably upright while you pump. Many of the manual breast pumps only really operate well when you lean forward, letting gravity assist you in pumping out milk. We all know this can be quite annoying at times as being hunched over for a long time creates back problems in the future. Luckily, Philips has solved this problem by using an angled neck that allows milk to flow to the bottle.

The cushion also has five textured petals that simulate a baby’s sucking routine and fits comfortably with breasts of all sizes. What sets Philips Avent apart from the competition is the comfort of the gel pads on the suction pump. It is nice and feels squishy and simulates your baby’s lips. My mothers who we’ve spoken to say Philips makes the most comfortable gel cups. This Philips set also comes with a breast shaped nipple that you can attach to the end of your bottle and convert it to a baby bottle. This nipple is made of the same soft gel like material as the suction cup. Also, compared to the Medula Harmony, we found that the Philips Avent experiences less leaking. All in all, the Philips is the best manual breast pump for the money if you are concerned about comfort.


Zerlar Silicone Breastfeeding Manual Breast Pumps

best manual breast pumpZerlar makes the best manual breast pump if you are looking for a very quick and simple one piece system. It is made of 100% food grade silicone and is probably the most portable and lightweight breast pump we have sampled. It is about as big as an iphone and can easily be stored in your carry on bags. Because of its one piece design, you don’t have to worry about any leaks or anything breaking. This manual breast pump does not come with any kind of pump action so you have to pump by squeezing the bottom of the device.

By squeezing and releasing this device, you create an ample amount of suction. We like the Zerlar because it is plain and simple: there’s nothing fancy, no assembly is required, and there are no advertising gimmicks. It is just a silicone gel suction cup that doubles as a baby bottle. It also comes with a lid in case you want to store your milk. Compared to its closest competitor, the Haakaa, we found no noticeable differences other than etchings on the side.



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