Best Snails For Algae

#1.Golden Mystery Snail Algae Eater

If you are interested in the best snails for algae, the Golden Mystery Snail is the way to go. It does a great job of both cleaning up all the gunk in your tank such as the algae and leftover food and it sits there and looks good with that bright yellow standout color. Who else can clean up and look good at the same time?

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Best Snails For Algae

#1.Golden Mystery Snail Algae Eater

For those of you who are interested in the best snails for algae, we highly recommend that you try out the Golden Mystery Snail Algae Eaters. These snails do a really good job of cleaning up the algae in your aquarium and end up eating feeds, leftover food, and pretty much any trash and gunk in your tank.

The standout feature in our opinion is that they look absolutely stunning and can grow up to 2 inches, being one of the biggest freshwater aquarium-friendly snails out there. So basically, we think that these snails are of tremendous value to your aquarium. They do a great job of cleaning up as well as looking pretty.

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#2.Japanese Trapdoor Snails For Algae

Next up, we have the Japanese Trapdoor Snails, which are the best snails for algae if you want some trapdoor snails great at removing algae and unwanted leftover fish food. Unlike the Golden Mystery Snails mentioned above, these don’t look pretty at all. But beauty is definitely not the main attraction here. Instead, you get these are superior cleaning power.

That’s right, we consider these Japanese Trapdoor snails to be the workhorses of the aquarium. They just clean up algae much better than most other brands we have tried. In fact, they are so powerful that they even work in an outdoor pond setting or even a swimming pool to help remove algae and keep the growth down to a minimum.

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#3.Aquatic Arts 3 Gold Mystery Snails

Another great option when it comes to the best snails for algae is the Aquatic Arts Gold Mystery Snails which are one of the largest plant-safe freshwater snails. They come in a bright cherry golden yellow color and are very much like the Golden Mystery Snails we mentioned before. In fact, they are the same but just come from two different sources.

We actually slightly prefer the first one a bit more because we find them to be a bit more consistent with sizing. With the Aquatic Arts brand, you get a mixed bag of sizes. Nevertheless, they get delivered to you pretty fresh and these snails are really good at eating up algae as well as popping out for display in your tank.

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#4.SoShrimp 10 Ramshorn Snails For Algae

The SoShrimp Ramshorn Snails are another very nice option when you want to clean up your algae but don’t want something terribly bad looking like Japanese Trapdoors. The SoShrimp Ramshorn Snails are pretty good-looking, although not nearly as standout as the Golden Mystery Snails in terms of both color and size. As far as size goes, they can grow up to about an inch and a half.

The color is actually quite nice in our opinion. These snails have this nice spiral texture and definitely don’t look dark and sad. They truly are the custodians of your tank and suck up algae. So in summary, they are not as good of algae eaters as the Japanese trapdoors and not pretty as golden mystery snails. But we think they are pretty well balanced and that’s important for some.

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#5.Aquatic Discounts Malaysian Trumpet Snails

Lastly, we have the Aquatic Discounts Malaysian Trumpset Snails which are quite interesting creatures to look at. From a distance, they look like trumpets or seahorses, thus the name trumpet snail. It goes without saying that these snails are avid consumers of food, debris, and algae around your tank and especially around the glass where it can make things murky otherwise.

In terms of appearance, it is hit or miss for some people so we will leave you to decide. Their color isn’t exactly the most appealing as it is kind of plain, but it is definitely not a depressing color either. The thing that gets some people is that it can look more or less like an insect and some people just won’t like that in their tank.

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