Best Fruit Fly Trap

best fruit fly trap

Fly Fix Fruit Fly Trap

FlyFix is our favorite device for handling fruit flies and we think is the best fruit fly trap on the market. We really like this product in that it is very straightforward to use and creates a perfect funnel so that flies can enter but it is extremely difficult for them to escape.


fruitflyIf you are looking for the best fruit fly trap, you have come to the right place. Fruit flys can be very annoying to have around the house and seem to come out of nowhere. They can even follow your fruit home when you come back from the grocery store and reproduce at an alarming pace. They go from an egg to a full grown adult in just about a week given ideal conditions, which basically means they can spread like wildfire in your kitchen. They like to breed in areas that are damp with an abundance of water and organic material. Fruit flies are naturally attracted to ripened fruit, vegetables, anything that is fermented, and anything that is sugary. Furthermore, they can even be seen swarming over decayed meats, alcohol, and your trash area.If you have a fruit fly infestation, it will be extremely hard to get rid of this problem.Before using the best fruit fly trap, you should first just try to keep everything clean around your house. If you have a clean house and still have fruit flies, it is time to use a fly trap. Please see below for our recommendations.

Best Fruit Fly Trap Reviews

FlyFix Fruit Fly Trap

best fruit fly trapFlyFix is our favorite device for handling fruit flies and we think is the best fruit fly trap on the market. We really like this product in that it is very straightforward to use and creates a perfect funnel so that flies can enter but it is extremely difficult for them to escape. FlyFix is on its way to patenting its design, but we really think it outshines its competition. After leaving this device on the kitchen counter for a few hours, we noticed many fruit flies entering the trap but not a single fly leaving the trap. In order for a fruit fly trap to work effectively, it has to be luring enough to attract the most amount of flies and designed well enough such that none of them escape. The funnel design makes it hard for fruit flies to escape and the scented vortex in the funnel lures them in. We really like the fact that there is a no-spill lock which prevents your bait from spilling out when you accidentally knock it over.

Setting up the fruit fly trap is pretty easy. You just need to twist it open and add some bait. Just be aware that this device does not come with bait. What you are buying is only the trap container. While you can buy stand-alone commercial grade fruit fly bait, we recommend you to just fill it with something like ripe banana slices or apple juice and vinegar. After you have filled it up with bait, lock the device and let it sit near your kitchen or trash bin. Check it after a few days to a week and simply dispose of the trapped flies, wash the container and reapply your bait. We have never seen a better system to lure fruit flies in and keep them in. The funnel design really makes this the best fruit fly trap on the market.


TERRO Fruit Fly Trap T2500

best fruit fly trapIf you want the best fruit fly trap that looks like an apple and blends into your kitchen decor, Terro is the right one for you. We all know fruit flies are annoying to have around your kitchen. Terro fruit fly trap is specifically designed to be fast acting and ready to use. It uses a non-toxic fruit based vinegar bait to attract flies into the trap. Once they are in, it is nearly impossible for them to escape or to breed. They will eat the lure and slowly drown in the liquid. Setting up the Terro fruit fly trap is quite easy. Simply take the leaf like lid off, which exposes the trap chamber. Fill up the chamber with the liquid bait and do not fill up to the rim. Put the trap in an area with high traffic, like on your kitchen counter or near the garage. Empty and replace the liquid in the chamber every 30 days as the traps are reusuable. Don’t worry if you run out of liquid bait. You can always put your own bait in, such as apple cider and vinegar. You should already see a decrease in the number of fruit flies in your home within a few days of placing this trap out.

In terms of efficacy, the Terro fruit fly trap definitely stands out amongst other brands. While it is not as good as FlyFix in keeping the flies from escaping, we think it is not that much different. What we really like is the apple shaped look and design. It blends into your kitchen countertop and doesn’t detract from the general aesthetics of your home.


BEAPCO Drop-Ins Fruit Fly Traps

best fruit fly trapIf you are looking for the best fruit fly trap for the value per dollar, BEAPCO’s traps are the perfect solution. When you buy this set, you get 6 conical traps that performs more or less on par with the other fruit fly traps we have recommended. You also get a non-toxic bait in liquid form, which is made of a cider, vinegar, and detergent. BEAPCO’s fruit fly traps work pretty much like any other fly trap. It is made of some conical design that funnels fruit flies into the trap and makes it incredibly difficult for them to escape, given that there is plenty of food inside. Once the fly touches the liquid, it will most likely drown. Also, flies all sort of follow the crowd, so when a couple of fruit flies go in, this attracts more fruit flies to enter, leading to a feedback loop.

The setup process is very straightforward: simply fill the trap up with the liquid bait and let it sit for up to 30 days. Collect afterwards and either dispose of the trap or wash and reuse it. If you run out of liquid bait, just throw in some cider and vinegar. These traps are a much easier solution than making one of these yourself at home using a jar and saran wrap. Even if you accidentally knock it over, the opening is so small that barely any liquid will be spilled. It won’t make your home have any bad smells and if you’re dog or children accidentally drink the liquid bait, it is non-toxic. With six trap for the price of one, BEAPCO is the best fruit fly trap if you are economical.


More Info on the Best Fruit Fly Trap?

The first step to getting rid of fruit flies is to remove their food supply. Wipe down kitchen tables, do not leave fruits and sweets exposed, and empty the trash often. All sorts of organic products should either be frozen, refrigerated, or sealed air tight. Replace any old sponges and mops, clean your dishes, and fix drains that are clogged or slow. Fruit flies like to lay their eggs in sugary areas close to the food source, so you may even end up ingesting some fruit fly eggs without noticing it. Making sure you don’t have any exposed sweets is a step in the right direction. If you still can’t solve the problem after performing a full on thorough clean up, it is time to try using the best fruit fly trap.

While you can make your own fruit fly trap at home, we recommend using one of these commercial products as they are designed in a way to let fruit flies in but makes it hard for them to get out. You may not have the time or patience to make such an intricate trap that only costs a few bucks commercially. Most traps are simply funnel type containers that have some sort of liquid inside that the fruit flies are attracted to. They usually have a tiny opening so that once they fly into the container, it will be tough for them to find the exit. It is equivalent to falling under a large sheet of ice and trying to find that little hole that you fell into. Once the fruit fly is inside the container, it can’t help but to feast on the liquid bait. The bait is usually made of some acidic solution that kills the fruit fly. Eventually, the fruit fly also drowns in the solution. These traps are set in a way such that you can be hands off for a few weeks and let the trap so its work. You simply have to dispose the trap periodically and replace the trap with new liquid.



The Review Gurus