Best Coral Food

#1.Polyplab – Reef-Roids Coral Food

If you want the best coral food, we highly recommend you try out the Polyplab Reef Roids. Even the name sounds pretty intense. In our experience, this brand has the highest efficiency rates in getting the most amount of coral to grow and to have more vivid colors naturally. Also, it happens to be pretty good value and a great bargain.

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Best Coral Food

#1.Polyplab – Reef-Roids Coral Food

When it comes to the best coral food, we have to give it to the Polyplab Reed Roids because we just find it the most effective in the widest variety of coral. In particular, it is designed to optimize for Goniopora to feed on since its particle size is around 150 to 200 microns. And with this stuff, you will definitely be getting a lot more polyp extensions.

The benefits of the Polyplab Reef Roids are pretty noticeable almost immediately as your coral just has a more lively color. And it only gets better over time as the colors just get better. Additionally, you will notice that your coral will experience faster growth. It is also made with processed fish meals that can really degrade the quality of the water.

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#2. POLYPLAB – Professional Reef-Roids – Coral Food for Faster Growth

Next, we have the POLYPLAB – Professional Reef-Roids – Coral Food for Faster Growth, which is the best coral food for those looking for a great all-in-one food source for their coral tanks. The particle sizes vary from 53 to 1700 microns which is very much adaptable for many different types of coral. With this coral food, you no longer have to worry about giving different kinds of food to your coral.

We also really like how this coral food is loaded with the right amount of amino acids, proteins, and omega-3 fats that the other brands want to skimp on to save costs. In fact, if you do the nutritional analysis, this food is mostly protein. It goes without saying that it is packed with nutrients to help your coral grow and have more vibrant colors.

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#3.Dr. G’s LPS Max Live Coral

Another great product when it comes to the best coral food is the Dr. G’s LPS for those who have LPS. Although the label may not look the most professional or enticing, the product inside is really good. We think that the LPS Max is a nice hidden gem and does a really good job of enhancing color and growth rates. It is made with various types of shrimps, arctic pods, multi-vitamins, and essential amino acids.

Although it is specifically designed for large polyp stony corals or LPS, we think it actually works quite well on different types of coral as well. And this stuff works great stepping in where other foods fail. There is definitely some stubborn coral that is hard to feed and with the Dr. G’s, you have a fighting chance.

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#4.Red Sea Reef Energy Coral Food

The Red Sea Reef Energy Coral Food is a nice amino acid and vitamin complex that works wonders for coral metabolic activity and lifespan. Technically, it is not really considered coral food but instead more like a supplement or vitamin, but since it works so well, we will lump it in with the coral food recommendations.

We think this stuff works like a charm and is really a sort of do-it miracle formula to get your coral jump-started on a new growth spurt. It’s like giving them a jolt of new energy. Of course, it is kind of up to you how much you put in and the right ratios of bottles A and B to mix. It definitely takes some tweaking but the results should be great in the long run.

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#5.Benereef Coral Food

Lastly, we have Benereef Coral Food, which makes our top 5 list because it also does a really good job of enhancing the color of your coral as well as the overall health. We really like this stuff because it is designed to lead to a lot less clouding and ensures that you have a much cleaner tank for longer periods of time. We can’t say the same with other brands.

Additionally, we like how this stuff is made such that it is quite hard to overfeed and gives an excessive amount of nutrients that will basically kill off your coral. It is made such that you can’t overfeed. Also, you should just know that it is absolutely loaded with the right amount of pre and probiotics, superfoods as well as vitamins and superfoods to optimize growth. They don’t try to save costs here.

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