Best Worm Castings Reviews

#1.Unco Industries Worm Castings

If you are looking for the best worm castings, we have to give them to Unco Industries Worm Castings. This brand is incredibly rich in nutritional content and works much better as a fertilizer than other brands. Also, it works really well as a pest control/pesticide which is a nice added bonus. Our only issue is that it is a bit more expensive than competitive brands.

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Best Worm Castings

#1.Unco Industries Worm Castings

When it comes to the best worm castings, we have to give them to Unco Industries Worm Castings. This stuff is basically straight from nature without any alterations. We also like that it contains a large variety of minerals and trace elements. While other brands have this too, we find that the content in the Unco Industries brand is just better quality and there’s more of it.

Not only does it add organic material and micronutrients, but also it acts as a pretty good pest control. It is a much better solution than spraying pesticides, no matter how organic they are. Although it is a little pricey, we think that it is well worth the premium as you are getting a quality product loaded with nutrients to be used as both a fertilizer and pest control.

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#2.VermisTerra Earthworm Castings

Next, we have the VermisTerra Earthworm Castings, which are the best worm castings for those who are looking for a cheap fertilizer and pest control solution. It is safe for kids, pets, and pollinators. So it goes without saying that the VermisTerra branded earthworm castings are all natural without any fillers or compost added. It also has beneficial bacteria and fungi added which protect the roots.

Furthermore, we surveyed a bunch of users and they all reported increases in yield and soil fertility. Fruits and flower sizes just noticeably grew with this stuff on. And finally, as a nice little added bonus, the earthworm castings don’t stink like some other brands and give you a lot better aeration than most brands.

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Top Worm Castings

#3.Green Texan Organic Farms Worm Castings

Another great product when it comes to the best worm castings is the Green Texan Organic Farms Worm Castings. This is a 100% natural organic fertilizer that is free of odor free and non-toxic. Its standout feature is that it does a really good job of increasing yields, above and beyond the competition. For some reason, this stuff just works really well and won’t burn your plants.

The trade-off is that it is just not that great of a pest control. We know that a lot of people use worm castings as a natural pesticide and don’t mind the fertilizer as a bonus. The good news is that it is a pretty mild product and won’t damage anything. Unfortunately, you will probably have to figure out your own pest control with another spray.

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#4.Earth Safe Organics Worm Castings

The Earth Safe Organics Worm Castings is a pretty good super-rich humus that aids plant growth. It creates a more optimal environment to grow your plants and is great for your roots. The Earth Safe brand does a good job of adding soil structure and adding better moisture retention for your plants and vegetation. While other brands do this too, Earth Safe tends to do it better.

But we will admit, we think the standout feature is the fact that it will not burn even the most sensitive plants, so it is very safe to use on any terrain. We can’t say the same with other brands. Finally, just know that while the marketing and packaging are not that great, we think that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. It works great as advertised and is cheaper than other brands.

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Best Worm Castings

#5.Worm Gold Plus Worm Plus

Lastly, we have the Worm Gold Plus Castings which are 100% pure organic worm castings with kelp and rock minerals added. It is non-toxic and non-hazardous and won’t burn your plants. We would say in general, this stuff can be used as a high-quality fertilizer. It is much more compact than other brands and quite thick like clay.

Overall, the castings and fine and moist and will flow through your fingers quite nicely. There are a few chunks of defined castings and they do take some time to break the clods apart. Other than that, these worm castings are pretty good overall and have a neutral woody smell that is not disgusting like some of the other brands.

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