Best Sandpaper

best sandpaper for metal

Miady Fine Grit Assorted Sandpaper

The Miady Fine Grit Assorted Sandpaper is the best sandpaper for wood, metal, glass, and drywalls. With this set, you get 36 fine grit sandpaper sheets ranging from 120 to 3000 grit.


If you are a do it yourself kind of person, chances are you have used sandpaper to smooth and polish various surfaces. You may or may not know that sandpaper is most likely not made of actually sand. To pick the best sandpaper for wood, for metal, for glass, for drywall, for aluminum, for spackle, for concrete, or to remove paint, you need deeper knowledge of what to look for. Hopefully, this article will provide you some proper insights. So let’s get down to the ‘gritty’ deals.

You can generally classify a piece of sandpaper based on abrasive material and grit size. You should also pay attention to the backing as it determines the flexibility. Stronger backings make it easier and faster for you to sand wood and other surfaces. They also wear the paper faster and produce a rougher sanded surface. On the other hand, a softer more flexible backing allows the sandpaper to follow contours better.

Picking the right abrasive material for sandpaper is also important. You should be aware of something called the Mohs Scale to define the hardness of a material. In this scale, 0 is the softest material and 10 is the hardest. Keep in mind that this scale is not linear. For example, diamond is a 10 while aluminum oxide is a 9. However, diamond is 4 times harder than aluminium oxide. Quartz is a 7 on the Mohs scale and is 4 times softer than aluminum oxide. In general, you should be using abrasive materials that are harder than the material being polished.

Finally, there is grit size which refers to to size of the individual particles. The size is actually inversely related to particle size so a smaller number of 20 to 60 means the average particle diameter is large. This translates to a extra coarse material that is very fast at removing material and great for initial sanding project. They are great for ripping off paint easily but you risk damaging the surface. Then you have medium grit from 60 to about 100, which is not too big and not too small. Finally, there is fine grit sandpaper, which runs 100+ grit count. These are small particles that are used after you have already made a first run. They are great for polishing down a surface.

What is the Best Sandpaper for Wood, Metal, Glass, Drywall, Aluminum, Spackle, Concrete, or to Remove Paint?

Miady Fine Grit Assorted Sandpaper

best sandpaper for metal

If you are looking for the best sandpaper for wood, metal, glass, drywalls, aluminum, and more. The Miady Fine Grit assorted pack comes with a total of 36 sheets ranging from 120 grit all the way up to 3000 grit. It is quite suitable for all sorts of applications in buffing and polishing surfaces. Because these are fine to extra fine sandpaper sheets, we would not use them in an initial passthrough. So if you need to remove paint, we recommend something with a lower grit count.

The Miady Fine Grit Series is a set of premium quality sandpapers. They are made of silicon carbide and completely waterproof. They are bit weak after getting wet but still manageable. Furthermore, each piece of sandpaper is electro coated to ensure that the grit is distributed homogeneously. These sandpapers definitely don’t feel cheap and won’t scratch up your surface.

We really like the variation of grit in this set. We are sure you can find a use for every piece of paper. The lower grits from 120 to 220 are good for rough sanding and removing scratch. The medium grits from 250 to 800 are good for lighter sanding and finalizing sanding. The higher grits of 1000+ are perfect for sanding between coats and for buffing.


3M Sandpaper, 40 grit coarse

best sandpaper for removing paint

3M is a solid brand with a global reputation. If you are looking for coarse grit sandpaper, you can’t go wrong with 3M. They do not skim on any costs during production and ensure you the highest quality possible. These are 40 grit pieces of sandpaper, which means the particle size is extra large. It is great for initial sanding projects where you just want to tear down a healthy layer of material. You can leave the detailing and polishing to finer grit sandpaper later.

The 3M 40 grit is the best sandpaper to remove paint and for spackle. Because it is extra coarse, it strips all sorts of materials with ease. With the aluminum oxide abrasive, it is both tough and long lasting. With the light to heavy paper backing, you can fit this paper into machines or do hand sanding. Additionally, it is resin bonded so that there is heat resistance and increase durability.

The 3M 40 grit is a shredder. It is designed to strip paint, spackle, drywall fillers with ease. You are supposed to use it with a sanding block but you can also just use your hands. Compared to other similar grit sandpapers, this one cuts faster and has a longer life.


Norton Sandwet 5-Pack Sandpaper 600 Grit

best sandpaper for glass

If you want ultra fine grit sandpaper, Norton SandWet is certainly a great option. It is the best sandpaper for concrete, wood, metal, glass, and aluminum if you want to polish down a surface. It is also great at removing top coats and sanding down primers, sealers, and varnishes. The selling point is that it is designed for wet usage. In fact, Norton recommends that you soak it in water for 15 minutes before using it. This is supposed to increase its flexibility.

These are aluminum oxide based sandpapers that are 9 inches by 11 inches. We also like the fiber reinforced backing, which gives it some increased flexibility. Additionally they are non-pigmented water based stearate coating, which means they don’t clog up. During the coating process, no color dye is used so it gives a superior sanding performance.


Sharxkin Wet Dry Abrasive Sandpaper Sheets

best sandpaper for concrete

The Sharxkin Waterproof Sheets Series is a great high performance sandpaper. They are made of silicon carbide and used to create a smooth finish between coats. These sandpaper sheets are generally sharper than your typical aluminum oxide sheets. We like these sandpapers because they form a uniform scratch pattern.

Keep in mind that these sandpapers are waterproof coated. They are very resistant to degradation and don’t become damaged by water and oils. Additionally, the paper backing is resin over resin bonded and c weighted. All this means is that the backing is lightweight and very flexible. It is suited for hand sanding and conforming to surfaces.


Red Label Abrasives Sandpaper Assortment

best sandpaper for spackle

Red Label Abrasives is a long standing industry leader in sandpaper and sanding materials. We really like this set because it is such a great deal. You get 5 pounds of premium sandpaper of basically every grit you will possibly need. It starts out at 60 grit coarse paper for initial sanding projects and really shredding down and stripping paint, spackle, and drywall. Furthermore, you have grits all the way to 400 fine grit, which is great for polishing and detailing a surface.

This set comes with various sizes as well. You get 5 by 9 inch sheets all the way up to 11 x 12 inch sheets. We really like these sandsheets for the quality construction. They feel better than most sheets we have tested and seem very durable. They can be used to hand sand or attached to a sanding block or belt sander. More importantly, you get so many sheets of sandpaper in this box that you can afford to just use them a few times and move on to another sheet. In terms of value for the dollar, you can’t go wrong with the Red Label Abrasives Sandpaper Assortment Box.



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