Best Dobsonian Telescope

#1.Orion XT8 SkyQuest Dobsonian Telescope

If you are looking for the best Dobsonian telescope, we highly recommend the Orion XT8 as it offers the best combination of usability, performance, durability, and price. It is certainly not a premium telescope by any stretch of the imagination, but it gets the job done for most people and beginners really love it because it is easy to use and learn on. We also think that it is great value for your money.

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Best Dobsonian Telescope

Best Dobsonian Telescope

#1.Orion XT8 SkyQuest Dobsonian Telescope

When it comes to the best Dobsonian Telescope, we have to give it up to the Orion 8945 SkyQuest XT8. In our opinion, this is the best beginner’s telescope and should be fun for the family. While it is a stretch to call this a pro-grade industrial Dobsonian telescope, we think that a vast majority of people don’t care to get one with crazy clarity and an absurd price tag.

We won’t bore you with the details as you can look it up. Overall, we think that the Orion XT8 has decent size optics with good light-gathering abilities. Although the focus isn’t the best, we find it acceptable. What we do like is that it has a decent amount of accessories and the overall construction of the base seems to pass our sniff test. Also, it is easy to set up and use and really learn to learn.

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Best Dobsonian Telescope

#2.SkyWatcher S11610 Dobsonian Telescope

Next, we have the SkyWatcher S11610, which is a contender for the best Dobsonian telescope in our opinion. This telescope would be the Orion XT8s arch nemesis as it competes in the same market. The Skywatcher S11610 is another budget-friendly telescope that appeals mainly to beginners who want to dabble in astronomy. It is easy to set up and incredibly user-friendly.

In terms of size, it is actually quite small and compact enough to move around yourself. The focuser is solid and smooth and in our opinion better than that of the XT8. Nevertheless, it is still a single speed. Although it has good optics for the price, you can easily upgrade the lens as you get more advanced and look to enjoy it to the fullest. Compared to the XT8, the optics are pretty much on par.

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#3.Zhumell Z12 Deluxe Dobsonian Telescope

Another pretty good option when it comes to the best Dobsonian telescope is the Zhumell Z8 Deluxe. It features a 12” parabolic primary mirror that captures a good amount of light giving you a crisp bright image. Compared to the Orion XT8, the Zhumell is definitely a bit of an upgrade, especially in terms of the temperature. The difference in clarity is noticeable as you can see bright deep sky objects without averted vision.

Although dim galaxies are still quite dim, there is definitely an improvement in light capture and details in the night sky and spiral arms over the Orian XT8. Unfortunately, it is not exactly a grab-and-go portable telescope as the Zhumell Z8 is still very heavy. You can still move it around yourself as long as you carry the tube and base separately.

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#4.Orion 10135 SkyQuest XT10g

The Orion XT10g is one of the holy grails of Dobsonian telescopes and it also comes at a crazy premium price tag. Do we think it is worth it? For the average person, probably not. But we put it on our list because there are always people who are interested in the top models and top quality regardless of the price. The easier answer would be to just recommend the most expensive item.

However, we like to do a bit more research to come up with the best value for the crazy expensive top-quality Dobsonian telescopes and we think this is it. The GoTo function is definitely a game-changer here. Click the link below if you want more details about this telescope. What we can say is that it has super good image quality, lets in plenty of light, and more importantly, makes it easy mode for all people.

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Best Dobsonian Telescope

#5.Sky-Watcher 10″ Collapsible Dobsonian

Lastly, we have the Sky-Watcher 10-inch Collapsible Dobsonian Telescope, which as the name implies is collapsible and very portable. It is also easy to assemble and figure your way around the controls. In terms of performance, we can‘t really complain here. The spotting scope has decent quality and gives you very good viewing once the mirrors are collimated.

Additionally, parts and components seem to be of pretty good quality when compared to many other brands on the market. Mirrors and lenses are of decent quality and give you crisp clear views. Finally, we just want to add that while it is a bit heavy and does take up a lot of space, you can easily take it apart and move it around the house by yourself.

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