Best DMSO – Pharmaceutical grade, High purity, Dimethyl sulfoxide liquid

What is DMSO and what does DMSO stand for?

DMSO is a chemical and stands for Dimethyl Sulfoxide. DMSO was first synthesized in 1867 by a Russian chemist. It’s used as an industrial solvent and has been used medically to treat skin conditions, arthritis, and other inflammatory diseases.

It is available as a prescription medicine but has also been used as a dietary supplement.

What is Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) usage?

DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is a chemical compound that is made of two parts, namely, sulfur and oxygen.

It can be used as a topical ointment or gel to treat pain caused by osteoarthritis. DMSO has the ability to penetrate tissues more deeply than other pharmaceuticals.

In essence, DMSO is also a liquid that has skin healing properties. It can be used to heal injuries, sprains, burns, or other skin irritations. It has an earthy smell and taste. DMSO is usually administered three times a day until the symptoms subside.

#1. Heiltropfen DMSO

When it comes to the best DMSO, the Heiltropfen DMSO comes to our attention.

This stuff really works in reducing pain, inflammation, and generally promoting good health.

This is 99.9% pure DMSO and it has great quality control and strict manufacturing guidelines.

Rest assured that you are getting a reliable product from this company.

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What are the Best DMSOs?

  1. Heiltropfen DMSO
  2. DMSO Liquid Concentrate 99% Pure
  3. DMSO Gel with Aloe Vera
  4. DMSO Store Low Odor 99.995% Pharma Grade
  5. DMSO Cream Rose Scented

#1. Heiltropfen Dimethyl Sulfoxide – Undiluted

For those who are interested in the top-end DMSO product, we highly recommend the Heiltropfen brand, as at least for us it is the most reliable brand on the market.

This is 99.9% pure DMSO in liquid form.

There is not much to say about this other than it is pretty much pharmaceutical-grade pure DMSO.

It also has no odor, no fragrance, and comes in a dark bottle with a pipette.

Since DMSO or dimethyl sulfoxide is pretty much a commodity product, companies don’t really have a marketing advantage other than in purity and trust.

We can firmly say that we believe the test results of Heiltropfen as it has a proven track record, history of sales, and most importantly positive user feedback.

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#2. DMSO Liquid Concentrate 99% Pure

DMSO Liquid Concentrate 99% PureAlthough the packaging of the bottle looks pretty amateur, rest assured that you are indeed getting 99% concentration of DMSO in a liquid concentrated form.

In our opinion, this is the best DMSO for those who don’t like marketing gimmicks and fancy bottles and just want the real deal.

While it is not as pure as the Heiltropfen, the extra purity is a rounding error.

Most people find this to be a bit of a miracle product for their muscle spasms, joint aches, and pains.

Although it is not medically approved, for many people it is worth the risk.

Finally, we did some research into the company and determined that they are pretty legit with a pretty robust sales history.

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#3. DMSO GEL With Aloe Vera – Lavender Scented, Made With 99.9% Pure Pharmaceutical grade DMSO

DMSO GEL With Aloe Vera - Lavender Scented, Made With 99.9% Pure Pharmaceutical grade DMSO

If you don’t really like the idea of a DMSO liquid that looks like a chemical from a factory, the DMSO Gel With Aloe Vera – Lavender Scented, Made With 99.9% Pure Pharmaceutical grade DMSO Cream is probably the best DMSO for you.

This stuff is made specifically for consumers who want to feel a bit more at ease that they are using a chemical.

The selling point is that it is 70% DMSO and 30% aloe vera, so it has a great effect on your skin as well. Most people actually like it because it is not too strong yet still has soothing effects.

What the real benefit is in our opinion is that it looks and feels like a reliable ordinary cream and not some weird chemical you are pouring out of a bottle. So it appeals to a wider audience.

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#4. DMSO Store Low Odor 99.995% Pharma Grade

The DMSO Store branded product is really great for those who want pure DMSO. From what we have seen so far, this brand is about as close to purity as it gets, being 99.995% pure.

We like it because it is distilled and purified to remove DMS, which gives DMSO a bit of a funky odor.

This particular DMSO is completely odorless, which is great considering other brands tend to smell a bit.

In terms of toxicity, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

There have been tons of tests done on this and it is absolutely safe to put on your skin. And it won’t take everything through your skin. This is a common myth that is complete nonsense.

Rest assured that it is completely safe to take either orally or through the skin.

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#5. DMSO Cream Rose Scented

DMSO Cream Rose Scented

Lastly, we have the cream rose scented DMSO, which as the name implies is quite fragrant and leaves a nice lingering cream rose scent on your skin.

While it is definitely not the miracle drug to stop all pains and aches, it certainly helps bring down the pain to a tolerable level really quickly.

It is 70% DMSO and the other 30% is used to make the cream base. But the DMSO used to make this mix is 99.9% pharma-grade DMSO.

So it is diluted down a bit to make it easier to rub on. There is also a bit of aloe in this mix along with the cream base.

We really like the creamy texture as it rubs on easily and quickly disappears without leaving a nasty residue. Anyway, we like the Rose smell.

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What are the main risks of using DMSO?

Like any other solvent or product available on the market, there are potential undesirable side effects from using DMSO on the skin. These side effects can be due to the quantity you use, or to your metabolism’s natural reaction to an external product. The below illustrates some of the most common side effects. Note that if you experience any of these allergic reactions; it is best for you to stop using the product even if it does relieve your pain.

  • Some forms of skin irritation
  • A little bit of stomach upset
  • A form of headaches
  • A strong odor of garlic – Yes this can happen. Not frequent though

More serious side effects include:

  • Severe allergic reactions – Stop using the product right away
  • Itching and burning when applied to the skin –

What not to do with DMSO products?

It is clear that it is best not to use DMSO in very high concentrations. Always dilute it to a degree that is acceptable. High use of dimethylsulfoxide could be deadly (like any chemical and medicine could be deadly if you absorb too much of them). That is why the use of DMSO must be in moderation at all times. The main point we raise is that you need to be responsible for using any chemical or medicine or their by-products.

Can I use DMSO if I am pregnant or nursing?

Like any other type of chemical and medicine, it is not advisable to use DMSO if you are pregnant or nursing. In fact, we would go as far as saying DO NOT use it in these conditions.

Final words about Dimethyl Sulfoxide

We hope you enjoyed our article about the best DMSO for pain relief. With this knowledge, we know that you can make the most of your pain management and live an active lifestyle with ease. This product is anti-inflammatory and DMSO may provide quick pain relief.

dimethylsulfoxide is a chemical compound that is colorless and can easily penetrate the skin. Note that some people may have an itching allergy. If you do, do not use the DMSO.

We summarised 5 different DMSO products. The one that we found was excellent is the Heiltropfen. However, if you want a near 100% pure DMSO product, then we invite you to look at the DMSO Liquid Concentrate 99% Pure.

Note that when you use DMSO products, there will be a little smell associated with ti. So if you do not like the smell, we would advise you to choose the Gel Aloe Vera or the Store Low Odor products.

Note that the Rose Scented DMSO cream is also pretty good at hiding the DMSO smell and it is well packaged too.


The Review Gurus